
The future of the AVANCO group of companies

The AVANCO Group’s core competencies are the development, production, finishing and sale of composite and lightweight design components and systems. Our goal is to combine our capabilities with further technologies which are available within the group, and to further expand our technology leadership through the synergies we have created. Through the utilization of a vertical integration, we are striving to find superior solutions for the current and future problems of our customers, and to continue the realization of the extensive efficiency increase potentials that lightweight design has to offer.

Today, we are actively engaged in market niches where we are often the market leaders with a turnover in the two-digit million range. To ensure a future growth internationally, we have aligned the AVANCO Group according to focused business fields. We will conduct a targeted development of new markets, which are much larger than the already established, and also pursue the attainment of market leadership in market segments we deem as relevant. The AVANCO Group’s strategy thereby focuses on a sustainable expansion of the existing, as well as a solid development of new business fields. Thereby, innovation, quality and productivity will continue to be the highest priorities in the future.

We will develop profitable growth markets by delivering a continued innovation with the associated economical and environmental benefits for our customers, to facilitate the utilization of intelligent lightweight design fiber composite materials on a broader scale. Our innovative lightweight design has already prevailed in several areas, which include applications for rollers and drive shafts. We will continue to optimize our exceptional technology expertise for cylindrical and endless composite components which are used in special applications and develop new customer relationships and markets by providing excellent functional capabilities and technical features.


