Paper industry

Intelligent lightweight design for a higher productivity in the paper manufacturing

The constant quest for higher production speeds, and improved investment performance continues to demand innovative ideas and modern materials.

With our brand INOMETA we have been a pioneer and technology leader for carbon fiber composite materials and their use in the paper industry for the past 25 years. During this time we were able to develop new products and product features by applying innovative approaches, and incorporate the attained economical advantages to establish ourselves in many markets. Our comprehensive industry expertise makes us an experienced and competent contact point when it comes to new machine projects, and the continuous improvement of existing systems. We will gladly help our customers to easily eliminate production bottlenecks, and sustainably improve the productivity. Our customers can rely on the exceptional degree of expertise we are able to demonstrate in the service area as well as in the area of technical support.

We are a manufacturer of high-quality, efficient and reliable lightweight CFRP components. And we are also your development and innovation partner for their utilization in the paper manufacturing, and the proper contact person regarding service and technical consulting. 

Operating in this industry




