INOMETA – INOwell launches a dedicated website for oil and gas applications The companies INOMETA and DYNEXA of the AVANCO Group combine their passion and expertise in INOwell. A brand new web special was recently published for this purpose. More
DYNEXA – Composite output shafts for the automotive industry The use of composite output shafts has great potential in customer-oriented applications due to various advantages. More
INOMETA – BOBST Open House online There are just a few days to go before Jean Pascal Bobst and his expert team kick off this year’s open house event at print machinery manufacturer BOBST. More
INOMETA and DYNEXA to promote composites in the oil and gas industry Since the very beginning of composite related market reports, the industry segment of Oil and Gas had its place in such. More
INOMETA – Interview with Flexo+Tief Druck 30 years of Flexo+Tief Druck. INOMETA is approaching its 40th birthday. We were delighted to be able to sit down with INOMETA’s founder Wilfried Tappe, as well as current Executive Directors Cedric … More
INOMETA – Flexographics Forum 2020 in Poland From September 14th to 15th, 2020 the Polish flexo industry met for the annual Flexographics Forum event. This year there was a special highlight: 25 years of the Polish Flexo Association. More
INOMETA – ProFlex 360° – Flexodruck-Systemlieferant INOMETA mit dabei Wir freuen uns auf die erste 360° Grad Digitalmesse in der Geschichte des Flexo Events ProFlex. More
DYNEXA – GFK-Rohre: Gehört Kunststoffrohren die Zukunft? Kunststoffrohre boomen: Waren die leichten Plasteröhren bisher vor allem in Low-Cost-Anwendungen zu Haus, überzeugen Verbundmaterialien zunehmend auch in anspruchsvollen Anwendungen. More
DYNEXA – Druckwasserrohre aus GFK Durch den Einsatz glasfaser-verstärkter Kunststoffe (GFK) können Druckwasserrohre große Innendrücke aufnehmen. More
DYNEXA – Digitale Qualitätssicherung mit optischer Messtechnik Teil 2 Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Darmstadt hat einen wesentlichen Baustein im Umsetzungsprojekt mit der DYNEXA GmbH & Co. KG zur „Digitalen Qualitätssicherung mit optischer Messtechnik“ abgeschlossen. More